Saturday, January 31, 2015

Tough workout to start the week...and this is just the beginning of the training and race season.

So this weekend started of with 3 spin classes on a row for a total of 3 hours. Still needed another 1.5 hours of saddle time so took out the fat bike for a ride. In between I got in an hour of weight training. The year of the endurance race. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Recovery day

No formal exercise plan today but I think my drive to work on the icy roads should give my fingers a good workout from the white knuckle grip on the steering wheel.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Crossing training today.

Today was a cross training day. Got my butt up early and head to Allegro Coaching before work to train like a boxer. Focus on upper body, core and stability along with boxing with with heavy bag, "Bob" and the mitts. Great workout out. A quality day at the office. Then off the the bike shop to trade in my old green helmet for a snazzy new blue Gyro. Then Went home for some active play with Brodie.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Weekday workouts. Important for cross training and weight training.

So this week has started off with an easy monday doing a 45 minute workout on the elliptical. Today was a little more intense with an hour of pilates, 15 minutes on elliptical and an hour of weight training. Need to start adding more ride time during the week. Sometimes it hard to find the time with work, etc. But building for success. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

A not so winter, winter ride

Got an early start this morning. Needed the stress relief after a pretty challenging week. Took out the fat tire bike and got in a 2.5 hour ride. Temps were around 40, little wind and the sun peeked out. Unusual weather for January but I'll take it.

Friday, January 23, 2015


Dream bike. Not like I don't have enough already. Ha Ha.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Week one...masters 40+ women for 100 mile

Cross training this morning with boxing and elliptical. On the trainer tonight. Will be a late ride due to first obedience class for my new dog. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Life is never boring...

Oh Boy. Between work, training for race season, taking care of my house and day to day tasks, training a new dog, starting up a new business, trying to maintain a social life, travel planning and taking vacations, and so on and so forth....
Sometimes rest, sleep, meditation, breathing get pushed to the side. I have improved my ability to prioritize these because they are so important to my overall health and success. All of the above would not be possible if I didn't stop and regroup. 
Lately I struggle with workouts getting stagnant. I'm getting bored with the routine and need something new to kick it up a notch and revitalize my motivation. Winter is a difficult season with poor conditions secondary to cold and snow and short daylight hours. I've never been a big fan of the cold, but will make myself go out. Trainer rides have become next to excruciating. So I need to find a way to find the love again. 
Today was a good day with weights, spin and pilates. Tomorrow is early morning vixibg b fire work. Really need to ride more but just don't have the time to fit it all on. But I did cancel travel plans for this weekend so I could catch up on some riding and also work on training by new dog. 
Anyway. Time for sleep.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Long morning workout...

Getting my workout on this morning. Pilates, Kick Boxing and Weight Training. Still struggling a little with sore ribs. Slow recovery process. Not very patient. Base training for race season wraps up this weekend and planning on going full force into endurance training starting Monday. Need to build both cardiovascular and muscular power and endurance. First race is just over 3 months away, April 25, Big Frog. Just have to work around it. Sigh.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Year off to a great start

So the year has been off to a good start and it's only January 17. Admittedly I have a lot to make up for from the last 2 years. Fresh positive restart.

So today I was invited to join Team Twin Six, aka Team Metal. Super psyched.

Made my final payment for my dive trip to the Philippines. Can't wait!! Have just about everything prepared from dive gear to camera, etc.

Enjoyed a Happy Hour at Ada Bike supporting 45NRTH. Love their products BTW. Best gear for keeping your hands and feet warm and getting your fat bike through snow.


Plus, I have had my new dog Brodie officially for 6 days. Almost a week. What a great boy. Love him. Just out for final potty rounds before settling in for the night.

Tomorrow is another day...Good Night

Trying out some new classes

Tried out a new class for cross training. Not bad but need to sample a few others. Bought a 10 punch card for classes so I can try out a variety and see what I like. @allegrocoaching 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Early morning training - Training Like a boxer

Just signed up for private boxing lessons. Will be going in once a week for training, like a boxer. Have a lot to learn on my form and technique but it's a great workout and a great way to jump start the day. Good way to add cross training to my standard riding, weights and pilates. I also signed up for group classes so I can add in TRX weekly to my routine. Looking for increased strength, balance, stability, endurance! 

Tomorrow I'll do my normal weekly group boxing class before work along with the dreaded winter trainer ride after work. Definitely looking forward to longer and warmer days allowing for more opportunities to head outdoors. 

Wanted to get on the trainer tonight but did not get around to it. Still happy to getting back to daily workouts as the race season training commenced. That's the hard part of the off season. Though it's much needed it's hard to get ramped up again to the intensity needed to get ready for racing. Building it back up!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Cross, core, cardio, weights...

Trying to make space between the members making New Year's Resolutions. Pilates. Elliptical. Weights. Getting my workout it. Race season starts in 3 1/2 months. 

Snow beards...

Snow is so much fun to play in.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

My turn. Sunday ride in the snow on my fat tire bike.

Never a long ride but always a challenge. Prefer to ride outside than to sit on a trainer, despite the snow. Today was actually a pleasant day considering it's mid January. Temps around 30 and sunny. I'll take it. But back n the trainer tomorrow.

Took a brief respite to make snow angels. Snow was a little soft in this section which made riding a little more challenging.

The caked on snow obviously added weight....

First "workout" of the day.

Taking Brodie out to explore his new neighborhood. Did pretty well. Does like to pull so will require some training for loose leash. Class starts tomorrow!
He's going to be an active dog. Love it. So much fun. I'll be heading out for a ride soon but when I get back I'll need to take him for another walk. I am so thankful for GR Dog Adventures. They will pick him up and take him out for some much needed exercise daily while I'm working. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015


I'm so excited. Here's my new fur baby. Can't wait for him to make himself at home. Planning on lots of exercise, activities, socializing, love and snuggle time.

I am planning on taking him out on my mountain bike rides. Going to be so much fun for both of us.

Big Day

You know what this means? My new family member, Brodie, is coming home with me today!


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Life is never boring...

So have spent much of this week working and training indoors due to the recurrent polar vortex.
Today was a drag yourself out of bed at 4:30 and head to the gym for being class via slippery roads. Nice touch. 
While much of my day after that involved lengthy commutes in crappy weather or working or running errands I also had the privilege to adopt a dog today. I cannot wait to bring him home Saturday. Lots of pics will be posted. Sorry in advance!